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You are getting in life exactly what you are tolerating — both good and bad. If your results, income, success and life are great, it is because you tolerated nothing less than that reality. If your results, income, success and life are less than you want, it’s because you tolerated all the things that created that reality, as well.


When you get your paycheck, W2 or tax return, do you get sad, angry or bitter? Do you immediately blame conditions, something or someone else? If so, stop it. Your employer or customers may fill out your checks, but you fill in the numbers. What you impress, you express. If you put garbage into your brain, your tax return will have garbage numbers. Stop it.


You choose to win or you choose to lose, but the choice is always yours. Nobody goes through life unscathed. You will have disappointments. You will have setbacks. You will have failures. You will experience loss and get knocked down so hard that you won’t know exactly how to get back up. Get up anyway. You character is being defined at that very moment on what you will or will not tolerate. Stop tolerating less than what you want. Stop it.


You can create all the goals you want, but if you are tolerating anything less than what supports those goals from yourself or others, you are tolerating failure. Stop it.


If people do not support your dreams, stop it. Get rid of them.

If you do not have a work plan, stop it. Create one now.

If you are not taking enough action, stop it. Get busy.

If you are not keeping the main thing the main thing, stop it.

If you are not educating yourself daily, stop it. Start learning.

If you have a bad attitude, stop it. Be grateful and thankful.

If you are judging everyone but yourself, stop it.

If you make excuses every time you do not get what you want, stop it.

If you do not take advice, stop it. Have a teachable spirit.

If you talk of the past, stop it. Get present while you expect the future.

If you are sick of mediocrity, stop it. Declare and accept greatness.

If you always fall short, stop it. Get out of your own way.

If your self-dialogue is negative, scarcity or fear based, stop it.

If you think about what you do not want, stop it. Change focus.

If you are needy, stop it. Needy people do not get what they want.

If you blame your boss, stop it. Get around him or get a new boss.

If you say you can’t, stop it. You can if you want.

If you shoulda, woulda, coulda, stop it — or you never will.

If you focus on scarcity, stop it — or you will always be scared.

If you think it will take too long, stop it. Take one step now.

If you think it will be too hard, stop it. Think about how hard it is now.

If you think you are too young, old or inexperienced etc., stop it.


For every reason you tolerate things you do not want, you should easily be able to think and accept better tolerations for what you do want. You will always tolerate; it’s simply in which direction you wish to tolerate.


It is absolute that you must stop tolerating bad so you can let in the good.

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