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The Secret to Success is that there is no secret. Most People are looking for magic pills, magic closes, and shortcuts. Sorry to disappoint you, but you are looking in the wrong place for the wrong things. The key to success is simply getting out of your own way.


There are enough books on success to teach you what to do. You can find books on success and motivation and “how to” manuals with enough information to accomplish anything. The challenge for you is this: Will you read the books and then take action on what you learn?


If the information is readily available for anyone and there are tons of rea-life examples of people who have taken the steps to success, then why don’t more people reach high levels of success? The answer is that then won’t get out or their own way.


Most people have acquired a lot of negative teachings and experiences in their life that have been emotionally internalized. These teachings and experiences now act as a self-protection mechanism that creates fear. Unfortunately, the self-protection mechanism that helps to protect them from harm now protects them from success.


Your brain will tell you how something won’t work, and that there will be failure that will hurt you, disappoint you and make you lose your money. Your protection mechanism will keep you from even trying so you can play is safe. Imagine on your deathbed saying “What a great life I had: I played it safe.”


Are you trying much harder to protect what you have, even if it’s very little, versus going for what you want? My questions for you are, “Why not you? Why shouldn’t you have what you want?” Focus on “Why you?” versus “Why not you?”


You must change your questions. Your life is based upon your questions, so start asking better questions. Ask questions based upon abundance not scarcity. Ask questions based upon succeeding, not failing. Ask questions based upon possibilities, rather than lack.


Take one thing you have been avoiding and do it. Take one thing you have talked yourself out of trying and try it. Take one risk you are afraid to take and do it anyway. Be bold. Even small actions can recondition your brain. Train yourself to take action on what you want and to experience the success you can deserve.


Remember that you are the same person when you fail as when you succeed; only the result has changed. Don’t allow setbacks to become who you are. Setbacks are simply a vessel you move through to get to a better destination.


I have never met anybody who did not in some way sell him or herself short on what they are truly capable of. Everybody is fighting battles in their brain, but some have just become better at the fight.


Taking bigger or bolder action is simply about putting your fear of success and failure aside while you take action. It’s not about your competition, who you know or don’t know, education or any other go-to excuse. It’s simply about stepping out of your own way and allowing your true self to emerge with all of your capabilities.


Stop selling yourself short!


For a free special report, “Ten Ways To Set Yourself Free,” email me at